Magic The Gathering Arena Of The Planeswalkers Turn Marker
As a fan of Magic The Gathering, you may be familiar with the Arena of the Planeswalkers game. This game is a strategic board game that takes your favorite Magic characters and puts them into a new format. One thing that's important to this game is the turn marker. If you're new to the game, you may be wondering what the turn marker is and how it works. In this article, we'll be discussing everything you need to know about the Magic The Gathering Arena Of The Planeswalkers Turn Marker.
What Is Magic The Gathering Arena Of The Planeswalkers Turn Marker?
The turn marker is a plastic piece that comes with the Arena of the Planeswalkers game. It's used to keep track of whose turn it is during the game. The marker has two sides, one with a blue color for the starting player and another with a red color for the second player.
When starting the game, the blue side is face up, signaling that the first player goes first. At the end of their turn, they move the marker to the red side, signaling that it's now the second player's turn. The second player completes their turn and then moves the marker back to the blue side, signaling that it's now the first player's turn again. This process continues until the game ends.
Why Is Magic The Gathering Arena Of The Planeswalkers Turn Marker Important?
The Magic The Gathering Arena of the Planeswalkers game is all about strategy and turn sequencing. The turn marker is an essential tool that helps players keep track of whose turn it is and what phase of the turn they're in. Without the turn marker, it would be easy to lose track of whose turn it is, which could cause confusion and disrupt the flow of the game.
Additionally, the turn marker is what determines who goes first in the game. As we mentioned earlier, the blue side is face up at the beginning of the game, signaling that the first player goes first. This gives the first player an advantage, as they get to make the first move and set the tone for the rest of the game.
How To Use Magic The Gathering Arena Of The Planeswalkers Turn Marker?
Using the turn marker is simple. At the beginning of the game, place the marker in the center of the play area and make sure the blue side is face up. The first player takes their turn, and then they move the marker to the red side to signal that it's now the second player's turn. The second player takes their turn and then moves the marker back to the blue side to signal that it's now the first player's turn again.
It's important to make sure that the marker is always visible to both players and that it's moved at the end of each player's turn. If a player forgets to move the marker or accidentally moves it to the wrong side, they can correct the mistake at any time during their turn.
Where To Get Magic The Gathering Arena Of The Planeswalkers Turn Marker?
The turn marker comes with the Magic The Gathering Arena of the Planeswalkers game. You can find this game at your local game store, or you can purchase it online from retailers like Amazon or Walmart. If you already own the game and have misplaced the turn marker, you can purchase a replacement from the same retailers.
Overall, the Magic The Gathering Arena of the Planeswalkers Turn Marker is an essential tool for playing the game. It helps players keep track of whose turn it is and what phase of the turn they're in, making the game more streamlined and enjoyable. If you're new to the game, make sure to pay close attention to the turn marker and follow the rules for using it.