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Magic Tree House Midnight On The Moon Comprehension Questions

Magic Tree House Midnight On The Moon Cover

The Magic Tree House series has been beloved by children and parents alike for over two decades. The series follows siblings Jack and Annie as they travel through time and space on a series of exciting adventures. In the book "Midnight on the Moon," Jack and Annie travel to the moon and must help save the moon from a falling meteor. To fully understand and enjoy the book, it is important for readers to have a strong comprehension of the story. Here are some questions to help readers better understand "Midnight on the Moon."

Chapter 1: A Gloomy Day

Magic Tree House Midnight On The Moon Chapter 1

1. What is the weather like on the day Jack and Annie meet in the tree house?

2. What does Jack find in the book he is reading?

3. Why does Annie want to go to the moon?

Chapter 2: A Blast of Magic

Magic Tree House Midnight On The Moon Chapter 2

1. What does Jack see when he looks out the window of the tree house?

2. What does Annie do when the moon appears in the sky?

3. How do Jack and Annie get to the moon?

Chapter 3: Welcome to the Moon

Magic Tree House Midnight On The Moon Chapter 3

1. What does Jack see when he looks out at the moon's surface?

2. What does Annie find in her pocket?

3. Who do Jack and Annie meet on the moon?

Chapter 4: A Question of Time

Magic Tree House Midnight On The Moon Chapter 4

1. How long does Jack think they have to find the moonstone?

2. What does Jack do to try to find the moonstone?

3. What does Annie do while Jack is searching for the moonstone?

Chapter 5: The First Step

Magic Tree House Midnight On The Moon Chapter 5

1. What do Jack and Annie find at the bottom of the crater?

2. Why is Jack nervous about taking the first step?

3. What do Jack and Annie see when they look up at Earth?

Chapter 6: The Meteor

Magic Tree House Midnight On The Moon Chapter 6

1. What does Jack see in the sky?

2. How does Jack feel when he sees the meteor?

3. What do Jack and Annie do to try to stop the meteor?

Chapter 7: Earthrise

Magic Tree House Midnight On The Moon Chapter 7

1. How do Jack and Annie feel when they see the Earth rise?

2. What do Jack and Annie do to return to the tree house?

3. What do Jack and Annie realize about their adventure?

Reading comprehension questions like these can help children better understand and engage with the story of "Midnight on the Moon." By answering these questions, children can demonstrate their understanding of the plot, characters, and themes of the book.

Related video of Magic Tree House Midnight On The Moon Comprehension Questions