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Magic The Gathering Arena More Than 4 Cards

Magic The Gathering Arena

For those who may not know, Magic The Gathering Arena is an online version of the popular trading card game, Magic The Gathering. It was released in September 2018 and has become increasingly popular among Magic fans worldwide.

One of the unique features of Magic The Gathering Arena is the ability to use more than 4 copies of a card in your deck. In this article, we will explore this feature in depth and discuss how it has impacted the game.

What is Magic The Gathering Arena?

Magic The Gathering Arena

Magic The Gathering Arena is an online game that allows players to play Magic The Gathering on their computer. It is free to play, but players can purchase packs of cards to add to their collection. The game has a similar format to the physical game, with players building their decks and battling against each other.

What are the rules regarding cards in Magic The Gathering Arena?

Magic The Gathering Cards

In the physical game of Magic The Gathering, players are limited to using no more than 4 copies of a card in their deck. This is known as the "four-of rule." However, Magic The Gathering Arena allows players to use more than 4 copies of a card in their deck, unlike the physical game.

The reason for this is that Magic The Gathering Arena is designed to be a digital game, and therefore it is easier to control the number of copies of each card that players use. This means that players can use up to 250 copies of any given card in their collection, and can put as many copies of that card as they want in their deck.

How has this feature impacted the game?

Magic The Gathering Gameplay

The ability to use more than 4 copies of a card in a deck has had a significant impact on the game. It has allowed players to build more consistent decks, as they can include more copies of key cards. For example, a player who wants to build a deck around a specific card can now include as many copies of that card as they want, making it more likely that they will draw it when they need it.

At the same time, the ability to use more than 4 copies of a card has also made some decks more powerful. For example, a deck that relies heavily on a particular card can now include more copies of that card, making it more consistent and powerful. This has led to some concerns that certain decks may be too powerful, and has sparked debates among players about whether or not this feature should be allowed in the game.


Magic The Gathering Online

The ability to use more than 4 copies of a card in a deck is a unique feature of Magic The Gathering Arena that has had a significant impact on the game. While it has allowed players to build more consistent decks, it has also made some decks more powerful. Whether or not this feature should be allowed in the game is up for debate, but for now, it remains a popular and important part of Magic The Gathering Arena.

Related video of Magic The Gathering Arena: More Than 4 Cards