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Raid Shadow Legends Best Champions For Magic Keep

If you're an avid player of Raid Shadow Legends, you know that the game's Magic Keep is one of the most challenging areas to conquer. The Magic Keep is home to some of the toughest bosses in the game, and it's imperative that you have the right champions on your team to defeat them. In this article, we'll be discussing the best champions for Magic Keep and what makes them so effective.

What is Magic Keep in Raid Shadow Legends?

The Magic Keep is one of the main dungeons in Raid Shadow Legends, and it's where players can farm Magic potions for their champions. The Magic Keep has five different stages, with each stage becoming progressively more difficult. Players must defeat each stage's boss to progress to the next level and earn Magic potions. Each stage has different enemies, and some champions are better suited for certain stages than others.

Magic Keep In Raid Shadow Legends

Best Champions for Magic Keep

Now, let's take a look at some of the best champions for Magic Keep.



Gorgorab is one of the best support champions in the game and is an excellent choice for Magic Keep. His "Revive" skill can bring a fallen teammate back to life, and his "Speed Aura" increases the speed of allies in all battles by 19%. Additionally, his "Rally" skill increases the attack of all allies for two turns.



Coldheart is one of the best damage dealers in the game and is particularly effective against Magic Keep bosses. Her "Heartseeker" skill deals massive damage to a single enemy, and her "Frost Nova" skill can decrease the turn meter of all enemies. This makes her an excellent pick for taking down bosses quickly.

Ultimate Galek

Ultimate Galek

Ultimate Galek is an excellent choice for Magic Keep because of his "Giant Slayer" skill. This skill allows him to deal extra damage to bosses based on their max HP. Additionally, his "Flames of War" skill can decrease the enemy's defense, making him an excellent pick for dealing damage to bosses.



Warmaiden is one of the best champions for debuffing enemies in Raid Shadow Legends. Her "Decrease Defense" skill decreases the enemy's defense, making them more vulnerable to attacks. Additionally, her "Block Buffs" skill can prevent bosses from using their buffs, making her an excellent pick for Magic Keep.

Black Knight

Black Knight

Black Knight is an excellent choice for Magic Keep because of his "Counterattack" skill. This skill allows him to counterattack when he takes damage, making him an excellent pick for absorbing damage from bosses. Additionally, his "Aegis" skill can increase the defense of all allies, making him an excellent pick for tanking.


When it comes to Magic Keep, having the right champions on your team is essential. Gorgorab, Coldheart, Ultimate Galek, Warmaiden, and Black Knight are some of the best champions for tackling Magic Keep bosses. Remember to focus on each stage's unique enemies and bring champions that can exploit their weaknesses. Good luck on your Magic Keep adventures!

Related video of Raid Shadow Legends Best Champions For Magic Keep