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Magic Mixies Won't Turn On After Charging

Magic Mixies Won'T Turn On After Charging

Magic Mixies are lovable and cute creatures that come in a variety of colors, each with its unique personality. They are equipped with light-up eyes, sound effects and motorized movements, making them an instant hit among children. However, sometimes, Magic Mixies won't turn on after charging, leaving children and parents disappointed. Here, we will discuss how to fix this problem and make your Magic Mixies come back to life.

Check the Battery Level

Check The Battery Level

The first thing you should do when your Magic Mixies won't turn on after charging is to check the battery level. Magic Mixies come with a rechargeable battery that needs to be charged periodically. If the battery level is low, your Magic Mixie won't turn on, even after charging it for hours.

To check the battery level, press the button on the back of your Magic Mixie. If the eyes light up and it makes noise, the battery level is fine. However, if there is no response, the battery level is low.

The solution is to charge your Magic Mixie again. Make sure to use the correct charger and plug it into a power source. Leave it to charge for at least an hour or until the eyes light up and it makes noise when you press the button.

Reset Your Magic Mixie

Reset Your Magic Mixie

If your Magic Mixie won't turn on after charging, you can try resetting it. There is a tiny reset button located on the back of your Magic Mixie. Use a paperclip or a pin to press this button for a few seconds.

After resetting, try turning it on again by pressing the button. If it still doesn't turn on, charge it again and try resetting it again.

Check for Loose Wires

Check For Loose Wires

If your Magic Mixie won't turn on after charging and resetting, there might be a problem with the internal wiring. Check for loose wires by unscrewing the battery cover located on the back of your Magic Mixie.

If you find any loose wires, use a pair of pliers to tighten them. Make sure not to overtighten as it may damage the wires. Once you have tightened the wires, screw the battery cover back on and try turning it on.

Replace the Battery

Replace The Battery

If your Magic Mixie still won't turn on after trying all the above solutions, the problem might be with the battery itself. Rechargeable batteries have a limited lifespan and may need to be replaced after a few years of use.

You can purchase a replacement battery online or from the manufacturer. Make sure to buy the correct battery model for your Magic Mixie. Once you have the replacement battery, unscrew the battery cover, remove the old battery, and insert the new one. Screw the battery cover back on and charge your Magic Mixie again.



Magic Mixies are adorable creatures that bring joy and happiness to children. However, sometimes they won't turn on after charging, leaving children disappointed. The most common reason for this problem is a low battery level, which can easily be fixed by recharging. If that doesn't work, try resetting, checking for loose wires, or replacing the battery. By following these simple steps, you can make your Magic Mixie come back to life.

Related video of Magic Mixies Won't Turn On After Charging