Are Magic Johnson And Kareem Abdul Jabbar Friends
When it comes to legendary basketball players, Magic Johnson and Kareem Abdul Jabbar are two of the best to ever grace the court. But are they friends? Let's take a closer look at their relationship both on and off the court.
Their Relationship on the Court
On the court, Johnson and Abdul Jabbar had an incredible relationship. They played together on the Los Angeles Lakers from 1979-1989, winning five NBA championships during that time.
Abdul Jabbar was a dominant force in the paint, while Johnson was a versatile point guard who could score and pass with ease. Their complementary playing styles made them a formidable duo, and they were able to achieve great success together.
Their Relationship off the Court
Off the court, Johnson and Abdul Jabbar's relationship was more complicated. They were never particularly close, and there were rumors of tension between them throughout their playing days.
In his memoir, Abdul Jabbar wrote that he felt Johnson was given preferential treatment by Lakers management, which caused some friction between them. However, he also acknowledged that they respected each other as players and were able to put their personal differences aside for the good of the team.
Johnson has spoken more positively about their relationship, saying that he has always had a great deal of respect for Abdul Jabbar both as a player and as a person. While they may not have been best friends, they were able to work together effectively and achieve great things on the court.
Their Relationship Today
Today, Johnson and Abdul Jabbar's relationship is much more amicable. They have been seen together at various Lakers events and have spoken positively about each other in interviews.
In particular, Abdul Jabbar has praised Johnson's work as a businessman and philanthropist, saying that he has been impressed by his dedication to giving back to the community.
Overall, while their relationship may have had its ups and downs over the years, there is no denying the incredible success that Johnson and Abdul Jabbar achieved together on the court. And today, it seems that they have put any past differences behind them and are able to appreciate each other both as players and as individuals.