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Media Magic Making Class Invisible By Gregory Mantsios

Media plays a significant role in shaping our society's perception of the world around us. News outlets, television shows, and movies are some of the primary sources of information that we rely on to form our opinions, beliefs, and ideas. However, these sources are not always accurate, and they often fail to represent the diverse realities of our world. In his article, "Media Magic: Making Class Invisible," Gregory Mantsios examines the ways in which the media perpetuates class inequalities and reinforces the dominant ideology of the ruling class.

The Structure of Class Inequalities

Class Inequality

Mantsios begins his argument by outlining the structural nature of class inequalities in the United States. He notes that the vast majority of wealth and power is concentrated in the hands of a small, elite group of individuals who belong to the ruling class. This group controls the means of production, distribution, and exchange, giving them immense influence over every aspect of our society. The rest of us, the working class, are left to struggle for survival, often living paycheck to paycheck and lacking the same opportunities and resources as the ruling class.

The Media's Role in Reinforcing Class Inequalities

Media Reinforcing Inequalities

Mantsios argues that the media plays a crucial role in reinforcing class inequalities by perpetuating the dominant ideology of the ruling class. The media's portrayal of the world around us is often skewed in favor of the ruling class, presenting their ideas, beliefs, and values as the norm. This creates a false consciousness among the working class, leading them to believe that their own interests are aligned with those of the ruling class. In reality, the ruling class is only interested in maintaining their own power and privilege, often at the expense of the working class.

The Invisibility of Class

Invisibility Of Class

One of the most significant ways in which the media reinforces class inequalities is by making class invisible. Mantsios notes that the media often fails to represent the diverse realities of our society, presenting an image of a homogenous, middle-class world. This erases the experiences of the working class, making them invisible and leading to a lack of empathy and understanding among the broader population. The media's tendency to depict the working class as lazy, uneducated, and deserving of their poverty only serves to reinforce stereotypes and further marginalize this group.

The Need for Media Literacy

Media Literacy

Mantsios concludes his article by emphasizing the need for media literacy, arguing that we must learn to critically analyze the media's portrayal of the world around us. We must learn to recognize the ways in which the media perpetuates class inequalities and reinforces the dominant ideology of the ruling class. By doing so, we can begin to challenge these inequalities and work towards a more just and equitable society.


Media magic is a powerful force that can shape our perceptions of the world around us. As Gregory Mantsios argues in his article, "Media Magic: Making Class Invisible," the media perpetuates class inequalities and reinforces the dominant ideology of the ruling class. By making class invisible and erasing the experiences of the working class, the media only serves to reinforce stereotypes and further marginalize this group. However, by learning to critically analyze the media's portrayal of the world around us, we can begin to challenge these inequalities and work towards a more just and equitable society.

Related video of Media Magic: Making Class Invisible By Gregory Mantsios