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Marie Kondo Life Changing Magic Of Tidying Up Summary

Marie Kondo Life Changing Magic Of Tidying Up

Marie Kondo is a Japanese organization expert who has taken the world by storm with her simple yet effective tidying method. Her book, "The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up," has sold millions of copies and has been translated into several languages. In this article, we will provide a comprehensive summary of the book's key concepts and how they can transform your life.

Who is Marie Kondo?

Marie Kondo Bio

Marie Kondo is a Japanese organization consultant and author of the book, "The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up." She is also the founder of KonMari Media Inc., which offers organization and tidying services to clients around the world. Kondo's approach to tidying is unique in that it focuses on keeping items that "spark joy" and discarding those that do not.

The KonMari Method

Marie Kondo Konmari Method

The KonMari Method is Marie Kondo's approach to tidying and organization. It involves decluttering your home by category rather than location and keeping only the items that "spark joy." The categories are: clothing, books, papers, komono (miscellaneous items), and sentimental items. Kondo also recommends thanking items that are being discarded for their service and expressing gratitude for the items that are being kept.


Marie Kondo Clothing

The first category in the KonMari Method is clothing. Kondo recommends taking all of your clothing out of your closet and drawers and laying them on the floor. Then, pick up each item one by one and ask yourself, "Does this spark joy?" If the answer is no, then thank the item for its service and discard it. Kondo also recommends folding clothes in a specific way to save space and make it easier to see all of your clothes at once.


Marie Kondo Books

The second category in the KonMari Method is books. Kondo recommends taking all of your books off the shelf and laying them on the floor. Then, pick up each book one by one and ask yourself, "Does this spark joy?" If the answer is no, then thank the book for its service and discard it. Kondo also recommends keeping only books that you plan on reading in the near future and donating or selling the rest.


Marie Kondo Papers

The third category in the KonMari Method is papers. Kondo recommends gathering all of your papers in one place and sorting them into three categories: papers that need immediate attention, papers that need to be kept for a limited amount of time, and papers that need to be kept indefinitely. Kondo also recommends discarding papers that do not fall into any of these categories and keeping only the papers that are truly necessary.

Komono (Miscellaneous Items)

Marie Kondo Komono

The fourth category in the KonMari Method is komono, or miscellaneous items. This category includes items such as kitchenware, electronics, and beauty products. Kondo recommends gathering all of your komono in one place and sorting them by category. Then, pick up each item one by one and ask yourself, "Does this spark joy?" If the answer is no, then thank the item for its service and discard it.

Sentimental Items

Marie Kondo Sentimental Items

The final category in the KonMari Method is sentimental items. This category includes items such as photographs, letters, and mementos. Kondo recommends gathering all of your sentimental items in one place and going through them one by one. Then, pick up each item and ask yourself, "Does this spark joy?" If the answer is no, then thank the item for its service and discard it. Kondo also recommends keeping only the sentimental items that truly bring you joy and discarding the rest.

The Benefits of the KonMari Method

Marie Kondo Benefits

The KonMari Method has several benefits beyond a clean and organized home. It can also improve your mental and emotional state by reducing stress and increasing happiness. By only keeping items that "spark joy," you surround yourself with things that make you happy and eliminate the clutter that can cause stress and anxiety. The KonMari Method can also save you time and money by helping you avoid buying unnecessary items and by making it easier to find the items you need.


The Marie Kondo Life Changing Magic Of Tidying Up Summary demonstrates the effectiveness of the KonMari Method in transforming your home and your life. By following Kondo's simple yet powerful approach to tidying, you can create a space that is filled with joy and happiness. So, take the first step towards a clutter-free life and start tidying with the KonMari Method today!

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