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Magic Cleaning Wie Richtiges Aufräumen Ihr Leben Verändert

Cleaning Supplies

Do you ever feel like the clutter in your home is taking over your life? Perhaps you can't find anything you need, or you're constantly tripping over things on the floor. It's time to take control of your space and your life. One way to do that is through magic cleaning.

What is Magic Cleaning?

Konmari Method

Magic cleaning, also known as the KonMari method, is a popular tidying technique developed by Marie Kondo, a Japanese organizing consultant. The goal of the method is to declutter your space and create a more harmonious home.

The KonMari method is quite simple, yet effective. It involves tidying up by category, rather than by room. For example, you would start with clothing, then move on to books, papers, miscellaneous items, and sentimental items. Within each category, you would touch each item and decide whether to keep it or let it go.

The most important aspect of the KonMari method is keeping only the items that "spark joy" in your heart. This means that you should only keep things that truly make you happy, rather than holding onto things out of guilt or obligation.

The Benefits of Magic Cleaning

Benefits Of Cleaning

Aside from creating a more harmonious home, there are many benefits to magic cleaning:

  • You'll have less clutter, which can reduce stress and anxiety
  • You'll have more space to move and breathe
  • You'll save time and energy since you won't have to constantly clean and organize
  • You'll be able to find things more easily since everything will have a designated place
  • You'll be able to let go of things that no longer serve you, which can be a cathartic experience

How to Get Started with Magic Cleaning

Cleaning Tips

Ready to start magic cleaning? Here are some tips to get you started:

  • Commit to the process. Magic cleaning can be a time-consuming and emotional process, so it's important to commit to it fully.
  • Start with clothing. Clothing is often the easiest category to tackle since it doesn't have as much emotional attachment as other items.
  • Be mindful of what you keep. As you touch each item, ask yourself whether it truly sparks joy in your heart. If not, let it go.
  • Designate a home for each item. Everything should have a designated place in your home so that you can easily find it and put it away.
  • Don't get overwhelmed. If you're feeling overwhelmed, take a break and come back to it later. Remember that the goal is progress, not perfection.



Magic cleaning can be a life-changing experience. By decluttering your space and only keeping the things that truly bring you joy, you can create a more harmonious and stress-free home. Remember to take it one step at a time, and don't be afraid to let go of things that no longer serve you. Your life will thank you.

Related video of Magic Cleaning: How Proper Tidying Can Change Your Life