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Hey Witch Doctor Give Us The Magic Words Lyrics

Hey Witch Doctor Give Us The Magic Words Lyrics

Do you remember the popular song "Hey Witch Doctor" by David Seville and The Chipmunks? This song was released in 1958 and became an instant hit. It was about a boy who asks a witch doctor to give him the magic words to impress a girl he likes. The song is catchy and has remained popular even today.

The Lyrics of Hey Witch Doctor

Hey Witch Doctor Lyrics

The lyrics of "Hey Witch Doctor" are simple and easy to remember. The song begins with the boy's plea to the witch doctor:

Hey Witch Doctor, give us the magic words!
Alright, you go Ooh Eeh Ooh Ah Aah Ting Tang Walla Walla Bing Bang
Alright, you go Ooh Eeh Ooh Ah Aah Ting Tang Walla Walla Bing Bang...

The lyrics continue as the boy describes the girl he likes and his desire to win her over. He asks the witch doctor for a potion or a spell that can make her fall in love with him. The witch doctor responds with the magic words that the boy must say:

I told the Witch Doctor I was in love with you
I told the Witch Doctor you didn't love me too
And then the Witch Doctor, he told me what to do
He said that...

The rest of the song consists of the repetition of the magic words – "Ooh Eeh Ooh Ah Aah Ting Tang Walla Walla Bing Bang" – which the boy hopes will impress the girl and make her fall in love with him.

The Meaning of Hey Witch Doctor

Hey Witch Doctor Meaning

The lyrics of "Hey Witch Doctor" may seem silly and nonsensical, but they actually have a deeper meaning. The song is about the power of words and how they can be used to influence people's emotions and behaviors.

The boy in the song believes that if he can say the right words – the magic words – he can make the girl he likes fall in love with him. He turns to the witch doctor, who represents a figure of authority and knowledge, for help in finding those words.

The witch doctor, in turn, gives the boy a set of meaningless syllables – "Ooh Eeh Ooh Ah Aah Ting Tang Walla Walla Bing Bang" – that have no actual magical power. However, by repeating those words over and over again, the boy convinces himself that they are magical and capable of making the girl fall in love with him.

The song is a commentary on the human tendency to believe in superstitions and magical thinking. It suggests that people often look for easy solutions to difficult problems, and are willing to believe in anything that promises to make their dreams come true.

The Legacy of Hey Witch Doctor

Hey Witch Doctor Legacy

"Hey Witch Doctor" has remained a popular song for over six decades. It has been covered by numerous artists, including Alvin and the Chipmunks themselves in various TV shows and movies. The song's catchy tune and simple lyrics have made it a favorite among children and adults alike.

The song has also been referenced in popular culture, from TV shows like The Simpsons to video games like The Sims. Its legacy as a piece of pop culture is undeniable, and it continues to be a beloved song to this day.


"Hey Witch Doctor" may be a silly song with nonsensical lyrics, but it has a deeper meaning about the power of words and the human tendency to believe in magical thinking. Its catchy tune and simple lyrics have made it a favorite among generations of listeners, and its legacy as a piece of pop culture is secure.

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