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Heroes Of Might And Magic 3 Cheat Codes

Heroes Of Might And Magic 3 Cheat Codes

If you're a fan of strategy RPGs, you've likely heard of Heroes of Might and Magic III. This game was released in 1999 and quickly became a classic. It's a turn-based strategy game that requires you to build up your army, collect resources, and defeat your opponents. While the game is challenging on its own, some players have discovered cheat codes that can make the game easier or more fun. In this article, we'll go over some of the most popular cheat codes for Heroes of Might and Magic III.

How to Enter Cheat Codes

Heroes Of Might And Magic 3 Logo

Before we dive into the specific cheat codes, it's important to know how to enter them. You'll need to bring up the console by pressing the tilde (~) key. Once the console is open, you can type in the cheat code and press enter. Some cheat codes require you to specify a hero or town, which you can do by selecting the hero or town before opening the console.

Resource Cheat Codes

Heroes Of Might And Magic 3 Resources

One of the most common cheat codes in Heroes of Might and Magic III is the resource cheat. This cheat gives you a specified amount of each resource (wood, ore, gold, gems, and mercury). The cheat code is "nwctim" followed by the number of each resource you want. For example, if you want 1000 of each resource, you would type "nwctim 1000" into the console.

Hero Cheat Codes

Heroes Of Might And Magic 3 Hero

There are several cheat codes that affect heroes in Heroes of Might and Magic III. The first is the "nwcquigon" cheat, which gives you a level 18 hero with all skills and 999 spell points. The "nwccoruscant" cheat gives you a level 18 hero with all skills and 999999 spell points. The "nwcthereisnospoon" cheat gives your hero infinite movement points, allowing them to move as far as they want each turn. There are also cheat codes that allow you to resurrect heroes or add specific artifacts to their inventory.

Town Cheat Codes

Heroes Of Might And Magic 3 Town

There are several cheat codes that affect towns in Heroes of Might and Magic III as well. The "nwcantioch" cheat gives you all buildings in your town. The "nwcares" cheat gives you all resources, buildings, and creatures in your town. The "nwctim" cheat (mentioned earlier) can also be used to give your town extra resources.

Battle Cheat Codes

Heroes Of Might And Magic 3 Battle

If you're having trouble winning battles, there are cheat codes that can help you out. The "nwcwatto" cheat gives all your units maximum morale and luck for one battle. The "nwcphisherprice" cheat makes the battle graphics more cartoon-like. And if you really want to win, the "nwctrojanrabbit" cheat defeats all enemies on the map (but also ends the game).


Heroes of Might and Magic III is a classic strategy RPG that's still popular today. While cheating can take some of the challenge out of the game, it can also make it more fun in some cases. Use these cheat codes at your own discretion, and remember that they may not work in all versions of the game. Happy playing!

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