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D&D 5e Magic Items For Unarmed Attacks

Unarmed fighting can be a challenge in Dungeons & Dragons 5e, especially when you're up against tough opponents. Fortunately, there are magic items that can help improve your character's fighting capabilities. In this article, we'll discuss some of the best D&D 5e magic items for unarmed attacks.

Gauntlets of Ogre Strength

Gauntlets Of Ogre Strength

The Gauntlets of Ogre Strength grant the wearer incredible strength, allowing them to deal significant damage with unarmed attacks. These gauntlets increase the wearer's Strength score to 19, which is the same as an ogre's strength score. This means that your character can deal 1d4 + 5 bludgeoning damage with each unarmed strike. These gauntlets are a must-have for any character that relies on unarmed combat.

Cestus of Fury

Cestus Of Fury

The Cestus of Fury is a magic item that enhances the wearer's unarmed strikes with elemental damage. This cestus is made from a combination of metal and leather and has small gemstones embedded in it. The wearer can choose to infuse their strikes with either fire, cold, or lightning damage. This cestus can be a great asset when facing enemies that are resistant to physical damage.

Bracers of Striking

Bracers Of Striking

The Bracers of Striking are a pair of magic bracers that grant the wearer the ability to make an extra unarmed attack each round. This extra attack doesn't require any bonus actions or other special abilities. It's a great way to increase your character's damage output and improve their chances of hitting their target.

Ring of the Ram

Ring Of The Ram

The Ring of the Ram is a magic ring that allows the wearer to create a forceful blast of energy with each unarmed strike. This blast deals 1d6 + the wearer's Strength modifier in force damage to the target. The wearer can use this ability three times per day. This ring is a great way to add some extra damage to your character's unarmed attacks.

Gauntlets of Crushing Blows

Gauntlets Of Crushing Blows

The Gauntlets of Crushing Blows are a pair of magic gauntlets that allow the wearer to deal extra damage with their unarmed strikes. Once per round, the wearer can choose to deal an extra 2d8 bludgeoning damage with their unarmed strike. This extra damage can be a game-changer in tough battles.


Unarmed combat can be a challenging aspect of Dungeons & Dragons 5e, but with the right magic items, your character can become a formidable fighter. The Gauntlets of Ogre Strength, Cestus of Fury, Bracers of Striking, Ring of the Ram, and Gauntlets of Crushing Blows are just a few examples of the magic items that can enhance your character's unarmed attacks. Use them wisely to win battles with ease.

Related video of D&D 5e Magic Items For Unarmed Attacks