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Circles Of Power An Introduction To Hermetic Magic

Hermetic Magic

Hermetic magic is a form of magical practice that has its roots in ancient Greece and Egypt. It is a system of beliefs and practices that focus on the manipulation of energy to achieve spiritual and material goals. Hermetic magic is based on the teachings of Hermes Trismegistus, an ancient Greek philosopher and alchemist who is said to have authored several esoteric texts on the subject.

The Principles of Hermetic Magic

Hermetic Magic Principles

Hermetic magic is based on a set of principles that are commonly referred to as the "Seven Hermetic Principles." These principles include:

  • The Principle of Mentalism
  • The Principle of Correspondence
  • The Principle of Vibration
  • The Principle of Polarity
  • The Principle of Rhythm
  • The Principle of Cause and Effect
  • The Principle of Gender

These principles form the foundation of Hermetic magic and are believed to govern the universe at both the macrocosmic and microcosmic levels.

The Circles of Power

Circles Of Power

In Hermetic magic, practitioners work with what are known as the "Circles of Power." These circles are symbolic representations of the universe and are used to tap into the universal energies that govern all things.

There are three circles of power in Hermetic magic:

The Inner Circle

Inner Circle

The inner circle represents the self and is the starting point for all magical work. Practitioners work to understand and master their own internal energies before moving on to work with external energies.

The Middle Circle

Middle Circle

The middle circle represents the external world and the energies that govern it. Practitioners work to understand and master the energies of the world around them, including nature, other people, and the universe as a whole.

The Outer Circle

Outer Circle

The outer circle represents the divine and the universal energies that govern all things. Practitioners work to tap into these energies and use them to achieve their spiritual and material goals.

The Practice of Hermetic Magic

Hermetic Magic Practice

The practice of Hermetic magic involves a variety of techniques and tools, including meditation, visualization, ritual, and the use of magical symbols and talismans. Practitioners also work with various correspondences, such as colors, planets, and elemental energies, to enhance their magical work.

One of the key elements of Hermetic magic is the use of the Hermetic Qabalah, a system of mystical teachings that uses the Tree of Life as a map of the universe and the human psyche. Practitioners work with the Qabalah to gain a deeper understanding of the universe and their place within it.

The Benefits of Hermetic Magic

Benefits Of Hermetic Magic

Hermetic magic offers a variety of benefits to practitioners, including:

  • Greater self-awareness and understanding
  • The ability to tap into universal energies to achieve spiritual and material goals
  • Increased intuition and psychic abilities
  • Greater connection to nature and the universe
  • Improved physical and emotional health

Overall, Hermetic magic is a powerful system of spiritual and magical practice that offers practitioners a deep understanding of the universe and their place within it.

Related video of Circles Of Power: An Introduction To Hermetic Magic